7 Recipes of Aloe Vera Gel for easy Acne Treatment and Sure Effect

7 Recipes of Aloe Vera Gel for easy Acne Treatment and Sure Effect
7 Recipes of Aloe Vera Gel for easy Acne Treatment and Sure Effect

Aloe vera has many benefits and aloe vera gel can be used to treat acne. For anyone looking for acne treatments, you can use aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is a plant of the succulent family. It grows in desert or tropical climates and has thick, serrated leaves. Aloe vera leaves contain aloe vera gel, which is used topically on the skin to reduce irritation or inflammation after injuries or burning, and many people also use it for skin, especially for acne. And the antibacterial properties of Aloe Vera Gel help to get rid of acne effectively when used topically on the skin. Some health and beauty experts also believe that consuming aloe vera by mouth can be useful in moisturizing the skin and treating it internally.

 Best aloe vera gel recipes for acne

Some studies on aloe vera indicate that it helps reduce mild to moderate acne, and it also calms skin irritation. You can count on any of the following recipes for using aloe vera gel to get rid of acne.

1 - Aloe vera gel for topical acne treatment

You may get the results you are looking for using Aloe Vera alone, as Aloe Vera works as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant. And humans have used it for centuries to clean wounds, relieve pain, and treat burns. Apply aloe vera gel after extracting fresh aloe vera leaves topically on the affected areas of your face and leave overnight, then wash your face in the morning. Aloe vera gel will help cleanse the skin and get rid of harmful bacteria, as well as enhance blood flow in the skin.

2- Aloe vera gel for acne treatment with tea tree oil and for cleaning the skin

Tea tree oil works as an anti-bacterial, and when mixed with aloe vera gel it works more effectively to get rid of acne. But do not leave the mixture too long on your skin because it is extremely strong and acidic. Mix aloe vera gel with 2 - 3 drops of tea tree oil and add water to them, mix the ingredients together well and put them on your face. Rinse your face after two minutes and let it dry.

3- Aloe Vera Mask for acne with honey and cinnamon

One of the best recipes for aloe vera gel for acne is this mask. Aloe vera works as an anti-bacterial, making it suitable for getting rid of bacteria that cause acne. Cinnamon and honey also reduce acne. Mixing these elements together makes it an effective remedy to soothe and reduce acne, and to have smooth and clean skin Put two tablespoons of pure honey and mix with a spoonful of aloe vera gel, then add to the mixture 1/4 tablespoon of ground cinnamon, mix the ingredients together well, then put the mask on your face and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse your face well with water.

Aloe Vera Mask for acne with honey and cinnamon
Aloe Vera Mask for acne with honey and cinnamon

4- Aloe Vera Gel Mask with Lemon Juice for acne

The lemon juice mixed with aloe vera gel gives you a great refresh and helps clean pores and kills acne-causing bacteria. And some clinical trials have shown that the acid in lemon juice helps kill bacteria, cleanse the skin, and thereby eliminate acne. Add 1/4 teaspoon of lemon juice to two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. And if you need more of this mixture, you must maintain the ratio between lemon juice and aloe vera gel "8 to 1" in order not to cause irritation to your skin. Leave the mixture on your face and acne-affected areas for 5-10 minutes, then wash your face thoroughly with water.

5 - Antibacterial aloe vera spray

Aloe vera gel helps stimulate healthy skin growth naturally. It also helps to moisturize the face without causing more sebum and facial oils to be produced, which causes clogged pores and acne formation. Using the usual spray bottle, apply 40 ml of water with 15 ml of aloe vera gel, and add one or two drops of your favorite essential oil. Be careful when spraying so as not to hit your eyes, and shake the bottle well before each use.

6- Aloe Vera Mask with Sugar and Coconut Oil

If you are interested in acne treatments, you can try this great mask. This mixture helps to get rid of dead skin cells that can clog pores. Sugar helps gently exfoliate the skin, which helps aloe vera penetrate the skin and stimulates new skin growth. Coconut oil works as an anti-bacterial, which helps get rid of bacteria that cause acne. Mix 1/2 cup coconut oil with 1/2 cup of sugar, then add 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel and mix them all well. Put the mixture on your face and gently scrub your face, then rinse the face with water after 5 minutes.

7- Aloe vera gel cream for acne

There are many acne creams and acne removal products that contain aloe vera, so if you do not use aloe vera products to treat acne, it is easier to start adding some of these products to help get rid of acne. Aloe vera works as an anti-inflammatory, so it greatly helps get rid of acne and skincare. Some risks and complications of using aloe vera to treat acne.

There is some evidence and medical reports that indicate that eating large amounts of aloe vera can harm the body and cause stomach damage, so it is best to avoid drinking too much aloe vera. Before using it locally on your skin, do an allergy test by putting a little bit of it on your hand to find out the body's reaction. If you experience any symptoms or reactions such as redness or inflammation after applying aloe vera gel to your skin, do not use it to treat acne. 

There are many ways to try aloe vera gel as an effective home acne treatment. If your acne is mild to moderate, you can try Aloe vera gel to control it, as it works as an anti-bacterial and the risk of using it is very low. If aloe vera gel helps reduce acne

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